WIW 2024 – Empowering Women and Girls to Invest with Purpose― Highlights the true value of women, rediscovering purpose

Women from various professional and entrepreneurial backgrounds gathered on October 24-26, 2024, for an uplifting and insightful three-night webinar. The theme “Crowned With Purpose for Profit in the Kingdom” was anchored in the Scripture text Judges 1:11-15 where Aksah’s boldness in the face of cultural norms was highlighted.

This year’s webinar focused on how women can live purpose-driven lives that align with spiritual growth and financial prosperity within God’s kingdom. It was a call for women to recognise their unique roles and the power of their influence, not only in the church but also in their communities and the marketplace.

Apart from the nightly discussions, a main feature of this year’s webinar was the Business Workshop, uniquely designed for young female entrepreneurs ages 10 – 15. Just about 20 young ladies attended and learned how to manage their finances, invest, and turn their passion into profit.

A special appearance was made by the winner of the HER Business Start-up Scholarship, Danessa Berbyck, who was rewarded USD 250 earlier in 2024 to invest and jump-start her business idea, “Pickles Galore.”

Ten-year-old Danessa Berbyck – First Winner of the HER Business Start-up Scholarship

The nightly discussions revolved around investing in one’s gifts, abilities, and resources while exploring ways to achieve profit with purpose under God’s guidance.

Night one featured Minister Ingrid Bristol, a prominent business owner, who passionately opened the session with the theme “Crowned with Purpose.” She shared extensively on how she sought after purpose and how it has been her driving factor for success.

Min. Bristol shared impactful stories that encouraged attendees to embrace the fact that God has placed a crown on women’s lives, reminding them of their inherent worth and purpose in  His kingdom. Her presentation was a timely reminder that every woman has been intentionally designed by God and is uniquely equipped to serve in His kingdom.

In sharing her testimony, she illustrated how understanding one’s purpose in God is the foundation that allows one to step confidently into roles and opportunities. Though she had much to share, she concluded with a message of inspiration, encouraging women to reflect on their divine calling as they step out.

Night Two produced the first of two panel discussions, where the panelists discussed the topic “Valuing Womanhood.” The panelists were Assistant Pastor Dr Celicia Paraug, Ministers Marissa Massiah and Sharlene Roberts (of Girls Ministries), and Carissa Goodings, an engineer and a leader in the dance ministry.

They each emphasised the importance of recognising and valuing women’s role in the kingdom and society at large, presenting intriguing perspectives and making for a powerful and impactful discussion.

They also discussed various ways women can uplift each other while addressing the importance of mutual support and recognition. The conversation addressed real-life challenges women face, such as balancing roles in the workplace and at home while pursuing individual callings in ministry and further afield.

Each speaker shared practical ways to foster a supportive environment for women to thrive both spiritually and professionally, inspiring the audience to appreciate their own value and that of other women in their communities.

The third and final night’s panel discussion centred on “Purpose and Profit,” with panelists Attorney at Law Minister Kim Kyte Thomas, Reverend Dr Yvonne Osman, and Minister Jubilanté Cutting, who is also an attorney. This session deciphered the concept of using God-given talents and resources to fulfil personal goals and contribute meaningfully to God’s kingdom.

It was highlighted that profit is not just a financial term but one that encompasses spiritual and emotional wealth. The panelists shared examples of how they have used their careers and businesses to make a difference in their spheres of influence. They encouraged women to view profit also as a means of honouring God through impacting lives, service, and creating legacies.

Essentially, it was noted that we must see financial prosperity as part of our purpose in the kingdom and, therefore, step boldly into professions and fulfil callings. The message was clear: purpose and profit can coexist in ways that align with God’s will.

A Call to Action

Women Investment Webinar (WIW) stalwart Min. Shevone Corbin wrapped up the three-night series by highlighting that the webinar was more than just a gathering; it was a movement that challenged women to live intentionally, with a focus on both spiritual and material growth.

Just as the Scripture in Judges 1:11-15 recorded, women must be bold, claim their purpose, and step into roles that will bring to pass the promises of God in their lives. The Women’s Investment Webinar continues to be a hub of inspiration and a community where women gather to glean from each other. It aptly positions women to navigate their journey, ignite purpose, and advocate readiness to create profit that serves the Kingdom of God.

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