Women’s Investment Webinar Returns for Fourth Year

−Hosted under the theme ‘Her Stewardship’; First night kicks off examining purpose

Georgetown, Guyana, Thursday, October 19, 2023

The word is out; the Women’s Investment Webinar is back! The 2023 installment of this impactful women empowerment platform will go as usual for three nights, October 19-21, 2023, 7 pm to 8 pm nightly.

The Women’s Investment Webinar continues to be a safe virtual space that brings women together from all walks of life with one goal in mind –  to ignite purpose and have each one serve and pursue as God, the Creator, intended.

The power-packed virtual content is being viewed by hundreds from all across the world. The first night featured remarks from patron Elder Hermonica A. Massiah, who deposited words of wisdom to guide our thoughts throughout the rest of the webinar.

Elder Angela Massiah – Patron of Women Investment Webinar

The First Lady of the First Assembly of God Wortmanville Church built her remarks on what she considers the foremost investment story in Matthew 25:14-18 of the Holy Bible. This portion of Scripture tells the account of a man who went away on an extended journey, but before doing so, he entrusted talents to three of his servants. One received five, another two, and the last, one.

It is recorded that the first and second servants invested their talents and profited one hundred percent (100%). The third servant buried his instead. This speaks to our personal responsibility to use whatever has been given to us, including our skills and resources. Elder Massiah made reference to her mother, Doris Olive Younge, who was a Teacher by profession and also a skilled seamstress. Sister Younge extended her gift to young women in the community without charge, teaching them the art of dressmaking, many of whom have grown to become excellent seamstresses, plying their trade and providing income for their families.

Yonnette Rosheuvel – Moderator of Women’s Investment Webinar

Sis. Younge was faithful with that which God gave her, and it multiplied, creating generational recognition for her own family and wealth for others with the input into the lives of young women. Elder Massiah proudly stated that her mother took the little she had in her hand and made it grand.

Quoting the lyrics of Alvin Slaughter, she asked the virtual audience, “What’s that you have in your hand?” We all have been given talents, and it is important that we discover them. “Step out of your state of stress, depression, wonderings, and doldrums. Rise to the next level of thinking, doing, and becoming. We have come too far to turn back or to stop,” the patron posited.

The main aspect of the first night was a presentation from a Financial Management Specialist out of Geneva, Switzerland, Guyana’s very own Minister, Shevone Corbin, FCCA. Her presentation hinged on the topic ‘Stewardship of Business and Family’

Shevone Corbin, FCCA – Main Speaker, Women’s Investment Webinar

In her introduction, Minister Corbin testified that because she serves her gift in her portfolio at an international organisation, she is sought after for solutions to problems at multi-lateral levels. This particular testimony spotlights Proverbs 22:29, “Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.”

Deeper in her presentation, she noted that because we serve Christ, we are mandated to be good stewards in the marketplace. A good steward is someone who has been entrusted and trusted to create value and does so effectively.

“How do you navigate for profit and purpose in the marketplace?” she asked. Many (would) have discovered their talents and put them to use but have since been sidelined and consumed by the returns and not necessarily fulfiling their purpose. Our primary purpose in this life is to find our purpose, to which each of us has been given, and fulfil it.

Minister Corbin continued, “Profit limits our purpose, but purpose releases the profit,” with reference to Genesis 1:28, where God the Creator blessed man with talents and abilities, after which he was then asked to increase and create value.

To this end, she outlined ten challenges women face as stewards and provided guidance on how we can improve our service in the marketplace. She spoke to the value of faith, time, financial planning, learning, partnerships, humility, embracing crisis, guarding your value, deciding when to pivot, and valuing integrity. 

Equally important is our spiritual and mental posture in our sphere, as well as how and with whom we communicate and interact, as this is often directly correlated with our progress. The ten challenges addressed also serve as directives to help us understand our own value as we serve our purpose and navigate the marketplace.

This is just a snippet of the wealth of information shared on the first night, and initial feedback indicates it was well received by women who have been waiting before God for direction in this regard.

Women who may have been questioning the next steps in their careers or even as there are plans to diversify their business are encouraged to participate in and glean from these timely sessions. 

The remaining two nights of the Webinar will be LIVE on the FAOG Women’s Investment Webinar Facebook page and the First Assembly of God Wortmanville’s Facebook and YouTube pages. Recordings will be available immediately after on said pages. We encourage you to participate and not miss out on experiencing a life-changing impartation.

Link to day 1: https://fb.watch/nQaQ043EhZ/

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