Your Lifestyle Faith – Part One

“…but the just shall live by his faith” – Habakkuk 2:4 (KJV)

Faith is a lifestyle for all believers. Step by step and day by day, our faith must work.

The Word of God is our fixed foundation, which also means that we should trust God and know His promises are true once we abide by His Word. We need to apply His Word to our life, believe it, live it, trust it, and pray it accordingly. We must have that confidence in Him, and it should reflect in how we live. That is our faith.

Our first belief is that we have a Creator Who loves us unconditionally. This must be our belief since in Romans 10:17, we read Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Trusting God in everything creates an impact on every aspect of our everyday life. We cannot generate our faith in someone else, only in Christ. We, however, can share our experiences to encourage and strengthen. What we do with our faith determines what level of faith we have (Romans 12:3).

We take this measure of faith that God has given to us, infuse it in our lives, and live with it. He doesn’t favour one over the other. He has given each of us what we require. The point is:  ‘What is the level of your faith, and who do you believe in?’ James 2:19 tells us that faith is believing that there is one God, while we also read in the same chapter that faith must be accompanied by deeds. 

Whatever we are called to do in this life and the path that Jesus sets for us requires faith. Remember, “…without faith, it is impossible to please God…” (Hebrews 11:6 – NIV). There is tremendous power in our speech as believers, and speaking directly to the situation is real faith.  But we can only do this when we have a relationship with God.

Friends, faith failure is life failure, and great faith is willing to wait, don’t let your faith fail; let it be still in its place so you can recover all. It requires understanding, patience, wisdom, and love.

Read: Proverbs 18:21; 2 Corinthians 5:7

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 116:1-11; Philippians 3; Philippians 4:1; Jeremiah 4:10-31; Jeremiah 5


  1. Doris Nelson

    Sometimes we become impatient and doesn’t want to wait but when we wait the glory of God is manifested in our lives
    so it’s worth waiting patiently

  2. Lucille Joseph


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