Your Relationship With Your Friend

As iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens [and influences] another [through discussion]. – (Proverbs 27:17 AMP)

God in His wisdom never designed us to be alone. As such we need friendships. But have you considered who your friends are and how much influence they may have over you? As we connect ourselves to each other in friendship, this is something we need to ponder. 

While some friendships are of God, for example, David’s and Jonathan’s relationship, others can have a negative impact on us. The enemy is very subtle and can use friendships to derail you, from the purposes and plan of God (Proverbs 13:20 AMP). Those friendships which are ungodly can pull you away from God – your mind can be influenced by demonically spoken words, which in turn affect the way you think, relate to others, to God, and His word.  Therefore, it is imperative that the Word of God be used as the criterion to evaluate your friendships. Some friendships may last for a season and some for a lifetime; they, however, must be the instrument to sharpen, encourage and build you up, through the WORD.

Let us evaluate ourselves as friends. Are you a friend who builds up and encourages others? Are you honest with your friends – can you be sincere with them when they err? Can they be forthright with you when you err? Let us desire today to be a sincere friends as outlined in the Word of God and choose friends who would encourage building faith in God. 

Proverbs. 18:24b states, “…But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Our God is a God of relationship and He created us to worship Him, in spirit and in truth. As you seek friendship, desire to become His friend today. He spoke about us being His friends in John 15:14, He would like to become your friend.  Are you willing?

Lets us Pray 

Heavenly Father, I repent for not being a good friend to those who needed a friend. I have allowed myself to be influenced by ungodly friends. Please forgive me. Today I ask You to become my friend in Jesus’s name. Amen. 

Read: 1 Samuel 18:1-5; Proverbs 27:10; John 15:14

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 100; I Corinthians 12:27-31; I Corinthians 13; Song of Solomon 5; Song of Solomon 6; Song of Solomon 7; Song of Solomon 8

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