Your Victory is Sure in Christ

“O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.” – Psalm 30:2 (KJV)

Recently, while chatting with some church members, I learned that they were experiencing physical challenges in their bodies – some had recent deaths in their family, and some were doing well, but their family members had challenges. While they attempted to provide needed help and support to make the situation better, the constant daily routines were causing fatigue and stress on their bodies. 

One may say that the above scenarios are part of everyday life, but the fact is that while some will be welcoming 2025 with joy and fanfare, others are not sure what the future has in store for them. It appears as if their heads are underwater, and they are about to drown. However, the Good News is that there is hope for mankind. One Gospel Minister encouraged us with these words in a song: “Don’t you give up, for your victory is sure.” 

Upon examining Psalm 103:1-6, we see how much God loves us and what He will do for His people. Verses 1-6 encourage us to bless the Lord and remember the benefits that are ours because we are His children, and He is our loving Father. Beloved, naturally, when benefits come to us, we gladly receive them and make good use of what we have received. In this Psalm, however, we see benefits that cater for the total man:

  • Forgiveness of all our sins
  • Healing of all diseases
  • Redemption from all forms of destruction
  • Being crowned with loving kindness and tender mercies
  • Being satisfied with good things
  • Renewal of youth like the eagle
  • Execution of righteousness and judgment on all that are oppressed

Imagine these are just some of the benefits mentioned in a portion of Scripture from a part of the book of Psalms that lift our spirits so we can be victorious and not be defeated any longer. What if we make a conscious effort in 2025 to embrace the profound truths found in the sixty-six books of the Bible? We can be certain that despite what we may experience, our victory is sure as we believe and stand on what the Word says and allow God to work in our lives.

Today, despite where you are and what you are facing, do not fear the future. This new year has potential, promise, and possibilities for you. Enter with boldness, knowing that God is with you, that He will fight for you, and you have an expected end. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you need to take a moment and do so right now. This simple act of surrender and obedience to Christ is critical to making your victory sure.

Read: Psalm 107:13; 2 Timothy 2:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 5; Matthew 5:21-42; Genesis 11:10-32; Genesis 12; Genesis 13

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