Our Children After God’s Own Heart

“…the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of His people…” – 1 Samuel 13:14 (NIV)

As a child, David learned about God while caring for his father, Jesse’s sheep. This environment taught him to be courageous, bold, and fearless. He repeatedly experienced God’s tender mercies and saw Him as his Shepherd (Psalm 23:4)

It was in the wilderness that God caused him to be victorious over the bear and the lion since he spoke to God about everything. There was no one to train him but God. Everything he learnt and who he became was birthed out of his relationship with God. He became a leader because God was his father, teacher, friend, protector, provider, and deliverer (1 Samuel 17:36-37). He allowed God to use him as a living example after His own heart. Therefore, it wasn’t by chance that David was able to defeat Goliath. He triumphed by declaring who he was in God. 

As a young man, David showed humility, even after he was anointed the next King of Israel. He continually humbled himself before King Saul, who wanted him dead (1 Samuel 19:1). He respected him and understood that he (King Saul) was God’s chosen King, even though he was now rejected by God. David became a man after God’s own heart because he chose to put God first, trusted Him with all his heart, and allowed God to chasten him when he sinned.

As we nurture and groom our children and youth to become leaders of tomorrow, they must observe and hold fast to the following virtues: obedience to God, repentance, intimacy with God, walking in truth and humility, submission, and respect for authority.

Read: 1 Samuel 17:46; Proverbs 18:21

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 66: 1-12; John 12:37-50; John 13:1-17; 1 Samuel 10:9-27; 1 Samuel 11; 1 Samuel 12

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